3 Reasons Why Your AC Compressor Could Be Falling Apart

The compressor is a crucial component of your AC unit. This is because this part of the system facilitates the heat exchange process that keeps the house cool during the hot months. As such, when the compressor fails, the entire unit cannot function efficiently. Further, it is expensive to repair a damaged compressor, which is why you should watch out for signs of possible malfunctions beforehand. Here are three reasons your AC compressor could fail and how it can be fixed.

Problems From the System Wiring

A disconnect, a small electrical panel supplied by your building's main electrical panel, provides power to your compressor. More so, there are two fuses in the disconnect. That said, if one of these fuses blows, the compressor loses power. On the other hand, your compressor could also stop working when a breaker trips. Note that in the event of excessive amperage, your compressor will shut down automatically. More importantly, if you find that these problems keep happening, it's time to call in an AC repair expert to check the power supply to your AC unit. Further, this will prevent the air conditioner from being severely damaged by the erratic stop-and-start cycles.

A Dysfunctional Capacitor

The starting relay distributes electricity from the capacitor to the compressor, blower motor, and external fan. As a result, capacitors and starting relays play a crucial role in compressor functioning and are also frequent causes of malfunction. So, if a humming sound emanates from your broken compressor, the part is trying to use a failed capacitor due to age or overuse. Fortunately, these parts are simple and less expensive to replace.

Dirty or Broken Components

If dirt accumulates in the filters to the point where airflow is blocked, the compressor will stop working. This is why it's crucial to maintain your AC system regularly by replacing the air filter, cleaning the ducts, and maintaining clean coils. Otherwise, you may end up repairing your compressor, which can be costly. Also, if the valve leading to the compressor inlet fails, the liquid refrigerant will be sucked into the compressor before it turns into the desired gaseous state. When this happens, the air conditioner's compressor will run but won't cool air to a tolerable level. The good news is that an AC repair expert can remedy this problem by simply replacing the damaged valve.

These are the most common causes of AC compressor problems. It is advisable to contact a professional AC repair contractor to help you assess the system as soon as you notice signs of trouble. With their help, you will eliminate the chances of system damage and premature unit replacement.

Contact a local AC repair service to learn more. 
