Furnace Replacement? 3 Things To Know About Home Heating Systems

What do you need to know about your new heating system? Your new HVAC investment is a complex piece of machinery. While you don't need pro-level knowledge, you can learn the basics of home heating. Whether this is your first home or just your first furnace replacement, take a look at what every HVAC owner should know.

All Heaters Are Not the Same 

What type of heating system does your home have? There isn't one universal heater that every homeowner buys. The common categories of home heating systems include:

Furnaces and forced air heat. This type of system forces air throughout a series of ducts. The warm air then empties into each room/space via a vent. 

Boilers and radiator heat. Instead of warming the air directly, boilers heat water. The warm water or steam then travels through pipes and into radiators. Some boilers also use radiant floor heating systems.

Ductless mini-split heat. If your home doesn't have air ducts or radiators, this zoned system is an energy-efficient option. It uses indoor air handlers and an outdoor compressor/condenser to heat individual interior spaces.

Along with different types of systems, heaters also use different types of fuel. These include electricity, natural gas, oil, or propane. Some systems use solar power (the sun) as an energy source.

All Heaters Require Maintenance

It doesn't matter whether you have an electric furnace or a natural gas boiler, all home heating systems require maintenance. Routine professional maintenance can:

Increase efficiency. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, home heaters make up nearly 29 percent of the average household's utility bill. Failure to clean and repair the heater can increase the amount of energy the heater uses to warm your home.

Decrease the need for repairs. Routine maintenance (from a professional contractor) may decrease the need for future repairs.

Validate a warranty. When the contractor installs your heater ask what (if any) routine professional maintenance is required to validate a manufacturer's warranty.

Even though your system is new, it still will require at least an annual pre- and post-season checkup and cleaning service. 

All Heaters Require Professional Repairs

Damage and wear happen to every heater over time. This means at some point in the future you will need to schedule a furnace repair service. When this happens, choose a professional heating contractor over a DIY approach. A contractor has the experience, knowledge, and equipment to diagnose problems and effectively repair your home's heater.

Contact a local heating contractor to learn more. 
