Understanding What To Do With Home Energy Audit Results

The home energy audit itself is only the first step in addressing your home's energy consumption. Once you have the audit report, it's time to put that information into action. If you're not sure where to start or how to transform your audit report into home efficiency improvements, you are in the right place. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your audit and its final report.

Assessing the Recommendations

The first step after you receive the audit report is to evaluate the recommendations and prioritize them. You'll find that not all recommendations are weighed with the same importance in your audit report, so sort them out according to the recommended timeframes. Consider the most urgent recommendations first, followed by your short-term goals and then the long-term upgrades. Prioritize the changes that have the most significant impact first. That way, you see the best results right away.

Setting Achievable Goals

One of the most important things to consider when you review your home energy audit is that your post-audit goals must be attainable. Whether your goal is to reduce your electricity consumption by a specific percentage or to reduce your heating costs, having established goals will help you take some direction in responding to your energy audit.

Set Your Budget

Establish a set budget for your energy audit's improvements. This helps you prioritize your investments based on the report statements. Remember that you can always make additional changes later, but prioritize your initial expenses according to your available budget.

Know When to Trust a Professional

As you craft your list of improvements based on your energy audit, be reasonable about what you can do yourself. Remember that you might end up spending more in the long run if you have to call a professional partway through. Sort out your priority list based on the tasks that you can handle yourself versus the ones you need a professional for. For example, you might want a licensed contractor for window replacements and insulation upgrades though you can replace light bulbs and install weather-stripping yourself.

Make Lifestyle Changes

A home energy audit is only one part of reducing your energy consumption. Consider making long-term lifestyle changes as well, including adjusting your thermostat and turning lights off whenever possible. Reducing your active consumption makes a difference.

The more you understand what you can do with your home energy audit results, the better your chances of energy consumption improvement.
